Sunday, February 5, 2012

Waffles - Quick and Easy

   When I was a kid my mom would make waffles every once in a while. It seemed like a huge rigmarole. We separated the eggs, whipped the whites, mixed it all up and carefully folded in the whites before putting them in the waffle iron. Pre-teflon, if you didn't grease the iron just right, things would get stuck and the cleanup was awful.
   I never questioned there might be a better way. Pancakes were just easier.
When I discovered the recipe for waffles using club soda, it shook the very foundation of my waffle preconceptions. I delved deeper and discovered there were a myriad of waffle recipes of which I had been woefully ignorant.
   Now I whip up a batch of waffles in no time. In fact, at Krista's stag weekend, I brought along the fixings in ziploc bags along with three waffle irons and we ate a scrumptious breakfast with virtually no effort.

   This is my own recipe which uses whole wheat flour. If you don't have or like whole wheat flour (why don't you?) then you can use all white flour. Or if you have spelt, kamut or other flours you could try mixing up combinations of these to equal 2 cups.
   I microwave frozen berries for about 2 minutes, drain off the liquid and spoon those onto my waffles. Then I pour on the maple syrup.

2   eggs
1/2 c vegetable oil
1-3/4 c milk
1 c whole wheat flour
1 c unbleached flour
3 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp sugar
dash of vanilla or cinnamon if desired

Put the eggs and oil in a measuring cup

Mix thoroughly with a fork.

Combine flour(s), baking powder and sugar into a large bowl.

Stir in egg/oil mixture and milk.
Add in vanilla, if using.
Mix thoroughly until lumps are gone.
Take a little vegetable oil and brush it into the grooves of the waffle iron to stop sticking.
Scoop mixture into waffle iron according to manufacturer's instructions.  (Mine says to use
Resist the urge to peek while it's cooking.
Open, flip out with a fork.

Slather in butter, syrup and fruit.
Paul likes to put jam on his waffles.

And Tegan likes butter on hers.

MMMM.  So good.

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