Monday, November 26, 2012


They say that travel broadens the mind. I'd argue that it's also broadening my belly. The apple strudel, stollen and cakes eaten in the late afternoon with a cup of coffee are impossible to avoid, even if I wanted to.

Last night I found something else to add to my list of German favourites. We were invited to Jochen and Antje's for lunch. She's an excellent cook and prepared a wonderful "lunch" even though she's so busy with twins and a toddler. We had a brisket-like roast with roasted potatoes, fennel and parsnips. The potatoes were perfectly shaped and looked just like all the marzipan "potatoes" I see at the Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas market).

She also served a very tasty hazelnut cake with orange zest and chocolate icing. The cakes here are dense and not sweet - which may explain why I eat cake here but not at home.

But the crowning glory was the Grießflammeri. Grieß is basically Cream of Wheat. Cream of Wheat is soft wheat semolina. It is white in colour - not to be confused with the hard, yellow durum wheat that is used for pasta. 

Grießflammeri is a heavenly cross between pudding and custard.  Indeed, at first I thought it might be rice pudding and without my trusty translator, Laura, I would never have guessed that the very bland and ordinary Cream of Wheat could be such a delicious dessert. Although, I suppose, adding sugar and cream will make almost any food a party for your taste buds.

Antje topped it off with a sauce made from tart cherries from her parents' cherry tree. She served it family style, in a pretty bowl and scooping out servings, but it can also be served in individual bowls or turned out of molds and would be suitable for a fancy dinner party. In fact, I'm seriously considering serving it on Christmas Eve.

* For 8 people, Antje doubled the recipe.  She also substituted some cream for the milk. And added 50 grams of chopped almonds to the doubled recipe.


½ litre milk (2 cups)
2 tbsp sugar
Lemon zest
1 tbsp chopped almonds
2-3 drops almond extract
50 g cream of wheat (2 oz)
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp water
1 egg white

In a saucepan, bring the milk to a boil together with the sugar, lemon zest, almond extract and almonds. Add the Cream of Wheat, a tablespoon at a time, stirring constantly until cereal thickens.

Mix yolk with water and stir into hot cream of wheat mixture.

Beat the egg white until stiff and fold into wheat mixture.

Transfer to bowl (or individual serving bowls) and let cool.

Let cool for about an hour or until it has reached (at least) room temperature; prevent a skin forming on top by covering with plastic wrap.

Serve with fruit compote or chocolate sauce.
Flecks of almond and lemon zest add subtle flavour.

1 comment:

  1. This was so amazing. I'm going to make it, but probably with plums instead of cherries, for Christmas dinner.
