Saturday, December 8, 2012

Savory Parmesan Shortbread

For me, Christmas is about the food. There are so many recipes I could make throughout the year, but I don't. Having them only at Christmas makes them extra special.

You know the ones I mean: Basel Leckerli, plum pudding flambe, gingerbread, and pecan puffs. We've each got our own list - no doubt deeply rooted in childhood memories.

Once of my new favourites is this quick and easy appie served by itself or to go along with a meat and olive platter. I've been testing the theory that shortbread gets better with age. I'm happy to report that the flavors mellow and mix over time. Unfortunately, my research had to stop at the one-week mark, because I have run out of data to analyze.

Last year, I made them in advance and froze them. I have also made them a little thinner, so whether you want thick or thin, is up to you. (I'm just looking at the pictures and thinking they don't look that attractive. In my defense, I was in a hurry. But if you take more care and attention when rolling and flattening, they will be much prettier than mine.)

Sprinkling the grated parmesan on top is a crucial step, since it hardens up and creates a nice crunchy texture to go with the soft shortbread.

This recipe is based on one from the December 2007 Bon Appetit Magazine.

Savory Parmesan Shortbread

1 cup cold butter cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1/2 clove garlic OR 1/2 tsp garlic powder
3/4 cup grated parmesan cheese (+ 2 tbsp to sprinkle on top)
1 3/4 cups flour
paprika to sprinkle on top, if desired

Mix flour, butter, 3/4 cup parmesan, and garlic in food processor or mixer.
It starts out looking like this and eventually turns into a glob of dough. You can always add a teeny bit more butter if you've been mixing for a long time and it's not coming together.

Mix until dough begins to come together. It will start out looking like flour with chunks of butter, but will eventually turn into a cohesive dough unit.  If using a food processor, use on/off pulses until desired consistency.

Divide into 2 balls. Roll balls into a 12 inch log and cut into 1 inch slices.

Roll each slice into a ball and place on parchment lined cookie sheet.

Press each ball into a 2-inch round. You can use the bottom of a glass, dipped in flour to prevent sticking.

Sprinkle remaining parmesan cheese on top of each round.
Dust with paprika if desired.

Bake at 350ยบ until tops are dry and bottoms are golden. (about 20 minutes)

Store for one week in airtight container, or freeze for one month.

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