Monday, January 7, 2013

Kale Salad with Tahini Dressing

I think it started when Paul read that copper pots were better for making sauces. Since then he has purchased a copper pot and a copper saute pan and begun experimenting with his new toys. He approaches cooking with a more lineal, scientific method than I do, but is a pretty good cook. For a boy.

Don’t get me wrong, he’s always a great pair of hands to have in the kitchen, and particularly loves stirring.  If there’s a risotto that needs constant attention, he’s the guy you want standing at the stove with a wooden spoon in one hand and a cabernet in the other.

I’ll admit, I’ve been a bit peevish about him and his copper pots taking over my kitchen. Our cooking styles are quite different. And when I’m in a hurry, I do get a little cranky with his meticulous methodology.

But - and it’s a big but - when I come home late and find he has created dinner, I am not cranky at all. At least not about what’s happening in my kitchen. This week, he made a salad for me that was amazing. And from a guy who won’t eat salad, it was a pretty nice gesture. Even if it was made from kale.

Yup. Kale salad. Ironically, one of my least favourite vegetables is the one thing that thrives in my garden right through the fall. I eat it because I grew it and believe it must be good for me because it is such a deep green colour.

Imagine my surprise to discover that kale salad is unbelievably delicious! The secret is - salt. Tough, chewy kale is rendered soft and tasty with a simple salt massage. (Honestly? Who doesn’t benefit from a massage?)

There's a long macrobiotic explanation about why this happens to the kale, and if you're interested you can google it. But trust me, it works.

Paul’s creamy tahini dressing is perfect for kale. I’ll give approximate amounts for the dressing recipe - because Paul “wung” it.  You’ll need to taste and adjust as you go along - for both consistency and flavour. Add a little water if it’s too thick.

The trick:
Wash the kale and chop it up. Then put it in a bowl with a teaspoon or so of sea salt. Spend a minute or two massaging the salt into the kale. (Paul says you can actually feel it changing texture, and I could definitely see it change colour.) Then you squeeze out the excess moisture (and salt) and let it sit for about 10-20 minutes while you prepare the rest of the salad.



The salad:
Assemble a salad with the kale and other salad ingredients like -

  • carrot (for shape variety, use a peeler to make strips)
  • diced pepper
  • capers
  • other ingredients you like in your salad or have in your fridge
  • lime zest 
  • chopped nuts (macadamia or hazelnuts sprinkled on top, if desired)

The dressing:
3 tbsp tahini
juice of one lemon or lime
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp water
garlic salt or crushed garlic clove to taste

Whisk all the ingredients together. 

Pour dressing over salad and toss.

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