Tuesday, July 16, 2013

BBQ corn on the cob

I was pretty sure that I had found the quintessential method of cooking corn on the cob. But last weekend, Jim and Kathleen set me straight. Jim is a barbecue aficionado. And a purist - he prefers to use coals which he piles in a chimney until they are ready. Then spreads them around the bottom of the grill in a specific configuration - providing varying levels of heat across the grill, as necessary. It turns out barbecuing is an art.

This corn on the cob is worth trying. So simple. So good. 


Pre-barbecue: olive oil, salt, pepper
Post barbecue: chili powder, salt, pepper


Shuck the corn. 
Pour a little olive oil in your hands and rub all over the corn.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Place on grill and turn from time to time so all surfaces get cooked. Jim said that he could “feel” they were ready. He pressed them with the tongs and could feel them get softer.

Why yes, those are steaks next to the corn. And if you look carefully, you'll see Jim has moved all the coals under the corn and the steaks are just keeping warm. The steaks were also amazing.

Prepare a mixture of chili powder, salt and pepper on a cookie sheet.

Remove corn from heat and roll in chili powder mixture.

Kathleen offered up Pacific Breeze AssasZin to go with. Perfect.

Did I mention there was gorgonzola butter slathered on the steaks?
(This inspired a fresh sage/asiago butter on our fish the next night!)

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