Monday, January 5, 2015

Marzipan Chocolate Fruit

I didn’t make these, but cousin Natalie gave them to me at Christmas. They are  delectable sweets which are also healthy. They are also gone. Because – fruit and marzipan and dark chocolate.

Looks like she  split the dates and apricots in half and filled them with some marzipan and then dipped the whole shebang in chocolate.  I asked her how she did the chocolate and her reply is below.  It’s a brilliant idea that looks easy and fun to make. And healthy. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Natalie’s instructions:
I brought back a bar of Blockschoklade that I bought at Rewe in Germany. I'm not actually sure if it was milk or dark. I just melted it in a double-boiler and dipped the fruit in it and let them resolidify on a piece of parchment.

*Rewe is a grocery store. Pretty sure the chocolate was dark.

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