Monday, June 20, 2016

Olive Oil Crackers

I don't remember why I made these the first time - but I know why I make them again and again: They're delicious.

Crackers are simple to make. The most time and energy is expended on  rolling out the cracker dough. But I have even done this while guests sat at the counter and we chatted over a glass of wine. Warm crackers right out of the oven are surprisingly impressive. 

The key is to roll them as thin as you can. The thinner they are, the more they crisp up and the more delicious they are. (I roll them out between two pieces of parchment. It seems to work.)

Olive Oil Crackers
1/2 cup water
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 2/3 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
 1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
cayenne pepper (optional)
olive oil (for brushing on top of crackers

  • sea salt
  • dried rosemary
  • sesame seeds
  • grated parmesan
  • poppy seeds
  • crushed garlic
  • Whatever strikes your fancy

Mix oil and water.   
Blend dry ingredients.  
Add water/oil mixture and pulse just until dough forms a ball. Add more water if needed. 
Cover in plastic wrap and refrigerate 1 hour.

Heat oven to 400ºF.
Divide dough into balls about 1 tbsp each.  Keep from drying out by covering with plastic or overturned bowl.

Working with 5 to 6 balls of dough at a time,  roll each ball into a log shape and then into a flat cracker that is as thin as possible.  
Place 5 or 6 pieces on un-greased baking sheet.  (Sizes will be irregular.)  
Brush each cracker lightly with olive oil then sprinkle with salt and rosemary (or other desired topping suggested above).   Bake 6 - 7 minutes until dry and golden.

Don't forget to put salt in the dough. Even if you are adding it on top, the dough needs a bit.
For sprinkling on top, you can use anything that strikes your fancy: herbs, grated parmesan, garlic, poppy seeds, sesame seeds.  

Mix dry ingredients.
Add liquid and pulse until it forms a ball.
Divide into pieces and roll into balls.
Take the balls, and roll them into a log. Roll the log into a flat sheet.
You may find it easier to roll out between two pieces of parchment.
Lay the rolled out crackers on a baking sheet or stone.
Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with topping.
The finished product!

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