Saturday, September 3, 2016

Kale Chips

Chips for dinner? Yes! kale chips are one of my favourite ways to eat kale. Sure I like Paul's  "massaged" salad but the crunchiness and lightness of these chips are so yummy. They may look a little brown and crinkly but everyone who has tasted them comments on how good they are.

I've baked different varieties of kale and each one has turned out well. But we like the curly stuff the best.

The recipe is pretty easy.

1 bunch of kale
1-2 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp sea salt

Trim the stems off the kale.

Wash and dry with salad spinner.

In a large bowl toss the kale with the olive oil - using your hands to get oil on entire kale pieces. 

Bake at 350º for 10- 15 minutes. (Check after 7 to make sure they aren't burning.)
When they are slightly brown on the edges, they're done.

Glistening with oil and ready for the oven

You can see that I've used two different types of kale.
Although all types of kale work, I'd recommend baking only one type of kale per baking sheet because baking times may differ depending on variety. 

Crispy and slightly fragile, so handle carefully.

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