Thursday, February 8, 2018

Gingerbread Project 2017

This year’s gingerbread project was the brainchild of Young Sir. He is obsessed with Lego - especially Nexo Knights and specifically something called the “Fortrex.” It’s basically a castle-tank.

Owing to its popularity, I was able to find quite a few pictures of it on the ‘net. The Lego model itself is quite complex, but I found an image of it from the animated TV show which was easier for my brain to visualize as gingerbread. 

I started with the usual: a paper model.

I disassembled the model and cut out my gingerbread.

Then it was time for assembly!

The hardest part were the tank “wheels” or caterpillar tracks. I cut a piece of gingerbread the length I wanted the wheel to be and then cut it into strips. I figured I’d just glue all the pieces together with icing.

This actually worked surprisingly well - the second time. The first time I drew a pattern on construction paper and assembled the wheel on its side. You can see what I did in the picture -  on the green construction paper. The problem was that the icing stuck to the construction paper and I had to pull it apart and re-glue all the pieces. Then I reassembled on parchment so it wouldn’t stick.

Those cross-pieces on top are not going to be strong enough. But I don't know it yet.
I also had a cave-in when the support piece behind the towers cracked. I covered a can of tomato paste in foil and used it as a brace. You can see it but… whatever.

The third problem was the colour of the icing. I swear I used exactly the same food colouring yet I came out with two completely different blues on two different days. Oh well. “It’s just a representation of a representation of something that doesn’t actually exist,” Krista reminded me.

Laura was in the middle of her own project and told me I should ice the surfaces by the following method.

  1. Lay the piece you are icing flat.  
  2. Use the icing to draw a rim around the outside.
  3. Water down some icing and apply with a paintbrush.
  4. Let dry.
I had to experiment with the runny-ness of the icing. I was surprised how thin I could make it.

So now the icing is drying. Don't tip the structure back down until it's completely dry. Otherwise it will all just slowly ooze with gravity and you'll have to start again. You may also note that my tank wheels are now sitting on parchment to dry.
I also remembered to add cocoa to the first batch of icing because the joints are less noticeable with brown icing. (Another one of Laura’s tricks.)

I added on some candies and was almost done - except for the fun part. 
I used fruit rollups and skewers for the flags. I've been informed those aren't the right guys for the Fortrex. What can I say? I believe in equal opportunity.

Young Sir and the Little Lady came by and put the rest of the candy on. Quite exciting for them and a surprising amount of candy ended up on the Fortrex too!

Note the fruit juice teddies on the drawbridge and towers.

Closeup of the back.

Closeup of the side.

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