Sunday, October 2, 2011

Corn on the cob

For as long as I can remember, I've cooked corn on the cob by stripping the outer leaves, removing the long thin hairs and then dropping them in boiling water.  
Problem: I was left with mounds of green husks and stringy bits everywhere. 
The other option is to put them in the oven or on the BBQ - but the timing is tricky on doing this.  
Problem: the corn often got dried out and the kernels would turn an unsightly brown in places.

This summer, when I was at Point Roberts with Uncle Victor, I was preparing to cook the corn on the cob when he started expounding on the correct way to cook corn.  Now if you know Uncle Victor, you'll understand that sometimes it's best to just listen.  For two reasons.  One, he knows a lot of stuff.  And two, at 86 he knows he knows a lot of stuff and there's no point arguing.

Seriously, I've learned a lot from him over the years and this may be the best thing ever.
So as an homage to my mentor I share Uncle Victor's corn-y wisdom.

Buy the corn.  (Chilliwack sweet corn is best)
Snip the hairy bits off the end. (In fact Uncle Victor says this isn't necessary but we all have our issues.)

Put the corn in the microwave.  Microwave for 3 minutes per cob of corn.   Cook one cob for 3 minutes and 6 cobs for 18 minutes.  (I haven't tried more than 6 at a time.)

Be careful because they will be smokin' HOT.
Let them cool a bit and serve, as is.  
Each person will peel down the husks, past the base to create a corn "holder".  
No need for messy fingers or those little corn-cob-forky things.

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